
Coperitas tool explanation

Explore some tool features

Coperitas tool explanation

We have created short and practical options for you to try our tool and the features which Coperitas offers. These are only some of the many possible applications of the transfer pricing software. Learn in a few minutes how Coperitas handles challenges like:

1. Transfer pricing documentation process;
2. Entity management for tax teams;
3. Obtaining insight into your organization and much more!

Feel free to schedule a demo after the videos to get the full picture of Coperitas!

Coperitas videos

Coperitas Document Generation

Coperitas transforms the transfer pricing documentation process into a couple of clicks of a button!

Coperitas videos

Label Management

Label management enables to obtain a better insight into the company when it relates to business units, fiscal unities, and value chain.

Coperitas videos

Legal Tree

The powerful visualization technique of Coperitas enables to draw the company’s legal tree based on raw data from ERP-systems.

Coperitas videos


The questionnaire in Coperitas takes away the hassle of local information gathering. A streamlined information gathering process.

Coperitas videos

CSV upload

Coperitas enables you to automatically upload financial data to the Coperitas database.


Empowering people

Controlling transfer pricing within the dynamic transfer pricing environment is challenging.
However, we at Coperitas believe transfer pricing can be made easy.
